Thursday, December 13, 2012



You have an antivirus or even better, an internet security suite which scans your computer regularly for computer threat. What happen if on one fine day, your antivirus suddenly got disabled and you have no protection at all. Or what if there is a day when you need a second opinion about a computer threat where you have your best friend to send you some really cool program, but it is detected as malicious software by your antivirus. You wanted to know what other Antivirus in the market see that program as.

It is not encouraged to install more than one Antivirus in a computer. It is also impossible for you install over 10 antivirus in a single Operating System just to have enough information to confirm that it is a threat. All these problem can be solved when you use the online virus scanner which you don’t need to install anything complicated into your system to use them. Probably some might require you to install some Active-X component or web browser plugins, but it is certainly not going to be a heavy installation.

The Free Online Virus Scanner

1. BitDefender Online Virus Scanner. Ask me anything about antivirus, my answer is always Kaspersky. However, BitDefender is always my alternative and here I highly recommend this online virus scanner. BitDefender itself has a very good antivirus software which can result that its online scanner is a competent one as well.
Run BitDefender Scanner

2. Virus Total. Virus Total is always my best choice of second opinion when it comes to Malware detection. If I have the time to deal with the Malware, I will not immediately remove it from my system after an alert from my antivirus. I will use the Virus Total to really run through a thorough scan of that program so that I can be very sure the program which I am about to remove is a malicious one. Although it does not scan your entire system, but it works excellent as a file scanner.
Run Virus Total Scanner

3. Trendmicro Housecall. When I was young, I don’t believe in having an antivirus protection in my computer. As a result, when I run into Malware issue, I use the Trendmicro online scanner (Trendmicro Housecall). It took sometime to start up but overall it performed well as an online virus scanner.
Run Trendmicro Housecall

4. ESET Online Virus Scanner. ESET, award-winning ThreatSense engine is also another good antivirus around but in order to run the ESET Online Scanner, you can only run on Internet Explorer. It is fast and easy to use, always up to date, remove malware and also quarantine malware threat.
Run ESET Online Virus Scanner

5. Panda ActiveScan 2.0. This online scanner claims to perform better than any traditional antivirus protection due to its latest technology. It also supports most browser and generates free reports about the threat detected. One thing I find this online scanner different from other scanner is, it has Quick Scan and Full Scan where I think Full Scan is a full system scan which might take some time to complete.
Run Panda ActiveScan 2.0

6. F-Secure Online Virus Scanner. The F-Secure Online Virus Scanner uses the Java technology, Java Runtime Environment to activate the online scanner. You will also need the Javascript enabled on your web browser in order to have a smooth launch. Apart from the online scanner, F-Secure also has other online utilities which you might want to check it out such as System Health Check, Easy Cleaner, Blacklight and many more.
Run F-Secure Online Virus Scanner

7. Symantec Security Check. The online virus scanner from Norton splits it’s scanning into security scan for online threats and virus scan for computer threats. Although I see both categories are pretty similar, but I think Norton has its point of splitting them. It also only runs on Internet Explorer, just like the ESET Online Scanner
Run Symantec Security Check

8. Avast Online Virus Scanner. The Avast Online Scanner provides only the file scanner functionality where it only scans one file at a time with the limitation of 16MB files size. Avast is my first choice when it comes to choosing a free antivirus product but one drawback back here in the Online Scanner version compared to Virus Total is you don’t get to submit your file via SSL. This means that the data is not protected end to end. But if you have a non-sensitive that needs a scan, you can still go for this online scanner. After all, it is trusted by over 171 million people.
Run Avast Online Virus Scanner

More Online Virus Scanner…Here You Go

9. Clamwin Online Virus Scanner. Is also another file scanner where this brand of antivirus is pretty popular among people who run Windows Server. This is because not many antivirus has  the Windows Server compatibility and Clamwin is one of the few antivirus which can run under that environment for free. The Online Scanner only checks for file and not the entire system.
Run Clamwin Online Virus Scanner

10. Comodo AV Scanner. Comodo, is one of my favorite Firewall software has the online virus scanner too. It scans your entire system using only Internet Explorer and based on my experience with its firewall, the protection is solid where it should apply to the Online Scanner as well.
Run Comodo AV Scanner

11. Jotti Malware Scan – Jotti Malware Scan works more or less like the Virus Total. The difference is, Virus Total is better in the way that Virus Total has more Antivirus Engine running behind and  it has the option to send via SSL for a better privacy. However, Jotti still have about 20 antivirus engine which I personally think is still a good alternative when you can’t get Virus Total somehow.
Run Jotti Malware Scan

12. CA Threat Scanner. I have not really heard of the CA Threat Scanner’s brand but it is one of the antivirus which I discovered from the Top Ten Reviews site. It only runs on Internet Explorer but it is capable of running a scan on your entire system. I am not too sure over the reliability but if you are completely down to no other solution, always remember this brand.

13. VirScan. Virscan works exactly like Virus Total and  Jotti but it has a larger antivirus engine than Jotti. However, it still has the drawback of SSL communication compared to Virus Total. If you ask me, I will put Virus Total as my first priority and then only VirScan.
Run VirScan

14. ThreatExpert. ThreadExpert online virus scanner scans only uploaded file and I think it uses its own AV engine and definition to do that job. So this means it does not work like the group of online scanner such as Virus Total and Virscan.
Run ThreadExpert Online Virus  Scanner

15. Dr. Web. Dr. Web seems to have a long history in the Antivirus market. The online scanner which we are talking about here, they provide only the file scanner. Apart from providing the file scanner, they also provide the URL scanner to scan any URL that you requested online. Nothing really fancy about the online scanner, but still a good alternative or second opinion.
Dr. Web Online Virus Scanner

16. Emsisoft Web Malware Scanner. Emsisoft is the last online scanner which I accidentally stumbled into. I didn’t find it in most antivirus review sites but only found it when I try out the Jotti Online Scanner. Emsisoft Online Scanner is a system scanner where you can have your entire system scanned by the application. Just like most of the web scanner, it requires the Internet Explorer to have worked properly.
Run Emsisoft Web Malware Scanner

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