Saturday, March 8, 2014

Don’t Want Anyone To Access Your Wi-Fi?

You own a wireless router and you can see your routers LED blinking continuously even if none of you connected with your wireless router, that definitely means someone is accessing your network.

Who may be accessing?

To know who may be accessing your network, just login into your router settings using routers IP (Address may not be similar in every router) then go to the Router Status and check the connected device table. The table will list all the MAC addresses and IP address of the system connected. (Linksys users go to status-> network status->DHCP Server)

Ways to prevent Wi-Fi getting accessed by strangers

One way is to block signals to reach to your neighbour or block in some way that the signal does not leave your house. But in case it extends and leaves your house then here are some ways you can secure your network and prevent its access by strangers by logging into router.


#First: Use Mac Address Filtering to filter devices to be connected. If you want selected devices to be connected then bind only those devices with the router and others will not be able to access. To find the MAC address of your device type “cmd” in “RUN” and type “ipconfig/all” to view the physical (MAC) address of all the hardware attached to your system.
MAC-Address- acess list
MAC-Address-acess list-2

#Second: Set a password (Keyphrase), so that  only those devices can access your network who will be knowing this password/keyphrase. To set a password open router settings->wireless settings-> wireless security-> choose WPA or WPA2 ->choose a password and click save.
wpa wpa2_security_SSID

#Third: Use awkward SSID name: Using some awkward name as wireless network can do something better, for example making it ” This Network Contains Virus”  or “e:/virus.exe” will force stranger not to connect with your wireless network. Some other suggested names you can use is “Police headquarter”, “Service not available”. To change the network name(SSID) head towards the basic wireless settings after logging into your router.

#Fourth: Disable SSID Broadcast: One of the best option is to disable the broadcast of your wireless name (SSID). If its done then strangers will not be able to find your SSID name and will require to way process to get connected (SSID name and passphrase).
SSID broadcast

Related Post :

How To Find Who Is Using Your Wireless Connection?

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